Well as you may know 36,000 robots were purchased in 2018 from overseas and shipped to the U.S. and this number continues to grow each year. As robots like delivery, vacuums, mowers, and even cooking robots like Flippy (shown in photo) are becoming more, and more common place in our daily lives. Flippy a robot cook. Photo courtesy of Crowd Fund Insider. Currently there are about 200 robots per 10,000 workers in the U.S. ranking 7th in the world. Korea is #1 with approx. 774 per 10,000 workers, almost double the #3 Germany with 338 per 10K. South Korea has only recently dropped to #2 with approx. 631 robots to every 10,000 workers. But don't worry about loosing your job as the companies that are using robots have statisticaly also hired more people as the productivity and revenue increased.