Hey D-Lunchers or Dunchers if you prefer (it’s your new cool nickname), how about a happy dance for the fine month of December just rolling in like a bunch of Clydesdale horses pulling a Budweiser wagon. You know you want to celebrate. I know you want to celebrate. With 2020 on the near horizon who would not be ready for the best social time of the year with friends, family, and work mates. So here we go with some fun things you might want to schedule into your holiday socializing and shopping schedules. December Shop Local Shopping Blitz at Belles & Beaus Boutique , and Second Edition Shoppe at 616 E. Walnut, J&R Home Store 118 W. Walnut, Hertzberg Furniture Company Nevada, MO , Nana Maries , National TV Sales & Rental by Wal-Mart, Davison's Shoes / Verco Sporting Goods on The Square and Gamers Fusion . Keep those shopping dollars local so our area shops can keep in business for another great y...