
Showing posts from August, 2018

Lunch with Doug #196 Music on Square & Amanda


Lunch With Doug #195 Car Cam


Shopping Day and Cottey Night Music on Square


Spotlight the Entertainment Category

There will be a lot shaking this week (and coming soon) right here in good 'ol Vernon County. I can't mention it all but here are a few of the spotlights in the Entertainment Category that you won't want to miss out on, and then a niffy plug for my NEW music CD that can be bought by subscribing online or picking up a copy locally. 1st I have to mention the AMAZING and I mean AMAZING week we are going to get to see and hear at  Music On Square   on Thursday, August 9th.  Paula Newman  has put together a GREAT night of MUSIC and MUSICIANS!!! Featuring: Portia Corner Band. Also the weather forecast looks like it will agree with us this week and it calls for 88 and sunshine. Next, on Friday, August 10th you will not want to miss this one night only stand up comedy night appearance from Davey Wester and his friends Jon Schieszer and Jesse Turney. Your bellys will roll and your mouth will hurt with laughter at  Jim's Roadhouse . The Advance tickets...

The Best of Both Worlds

Well hello all it is great to connect with you again. Today we talk about the best of both worlds from a musician and a blogger stand point. My NEW music is out and available on physical CD and Digital Download and this very blog is now written and video. At first glance you would think that a video blog would be better.... but there are some sweet advantages to the written one. Same goes for the Digital Download of the music it is instant and immediate but the CD is just so much more tangible. Where am I going with this? The new era of all this fast paced digital stuff and instant gratification has really started to just actually create more cost in producing the products and will eventually throw everything off balance. I mean yeah it is really cool, but do we all really want to pay more for the products and services? This blog is a free thing for the consumer and of course the digital download in most cases is not, but there still is a cost of production even for the written ...